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Water vole and lesser celandine resized by Iain Green

Water voles are disappearing. They started to lose their homes in the 1940s and 50s with the intensification of agriculture, but the most devastating factor to their demise came during the 1980s and 90s. Illegally released American mink spread furiously across the countryside preying on the vulnerable native mammals, and continue to do so today. …

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handloom group by ndloom training by Dr. Pranjal Bezbarua

Our handloom training sessions are now underway in NE India, helping 20 specially selected women learn new skills for an alternative livelihood that does not harm wildlife. Just over 2,000 Greater one- horned rhinos are left in India, with many living in the turbulent Assam region. Here the major threats they face are loss of habitat due …

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Hedgehog by Ali Taylor

After three hugely successful years of our Hedgehog Hibernation Survey, you have helped to collect 150,000 sightings of hedgehogs– one of the largest datasets in the world about hedgehog behaviour. We have now analysed all the results to create a national picture, which will now guide further conservation action. See how your region fared for hedgehogs …

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Making an oak tree cage at Briddlesford

Our wildlife haven on the Isle of Wight has been transformed thanks to your support and an army of volunteers! Each winter at Briddlesford Woods, one of our reserves, there is a lot of work to do to keep it flourishing. Due to the size of the wonderful woodland site, a lot of this work is …

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Amy Dickman and Prince William

One of our past grantees and her project to protect lions in Tanzania has been highlighted in the prestigious Tusk Conservation Awards. We were thrilled to hear that Ruaha Carnivore Project (RCP) Director, Amy Dickman, was named as one of the three international finalists for the Tusk Conservation Award. We have been working with Amy and the …

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Siamese crocodile by J Holden FFI

The future of wild Siamese crocodiles looks brighter thanks to one of our latest grant projects. We are part funding a special breeding programme for these endangered reptiles in Cambodia. This programme will boost wild populations as well as protect existing ones. To date, the project has released 53 purebred captive bred and confiscated crocodiles into …

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Apple blossom close

A rare wildlife haven has been saved from the bulldozers this week, thanks in part to the swift action of our orchard team. Proposals for 15 bungalows in Newton Poppleford were turned down when planning chiefs were made aware of their potentially devastating impact on the countryside and an important habitat. The site was classed …

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Giving Tuesday poster

This year, on Tuesday 2nd December, we are taking part in a campaign that we hope will make history. We are celebrating the UK’s first day dedicated to giving where charities, families and businesses will all come together for #GivingTuesday. As the festive season gets underway, the simple idea behind #GivingTuesday is to encourage people to help out …

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As autumn arrives and the nights are drawing in, much of our wildlife is slowing down and conserving energy to survive winter. This is in stark contrast to a few months ago when many of you spotted them scurrying around your garden. While they were busy gathering food, rearing their young or finding new places …

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Leopard being collared by Mohammad Farhadinia

The first two leopards have been captured this week as part of our project to track them across Iran. The adult males were captured in Tandoureh National Park, some 20 km from Turkmenistan border. They were carefully fitted with special tracking collars to find out more about their habits. This will help our experts to protect these beautiful …

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A glimpse of a dhole

We are supporting Jan Kamler, based at WildCRU, to help learn more about the dholes of Cambodia. In the last 50 years their numbers have crashed across Asia, most likely because of the loss of their habitat and a decline in the species they feed on. Unfortunately the dholes in the park where Jan is …

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Magozi Primary School by RCP

A school in London is helping to protect endangered big cats thousands of miles away in Tanzania, thanks to one of our funded projects. Harrodian School, based in Barnes, has joined as the newest ‘Kids 4 Cats’ twin school, partnered with Magozi Primary School. They have already raised over £2000 with a sponsored work-out, which will …

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For all media enquiries please contact Jane Bevan or Adela Cragg at Firebird Public Relations on 01235 835297 or email

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People's Trust for Endangered Species, 3 Cloisters House, 8 Battersea Park Road, London SW8 4BG

Registered Charity Number: 274206 • Site Design: Mike Leach Creative at Waters • Branding: Be Colourful

Copyright PTES 2024