Wildlife surveys
You don't have to be an expert to take part in one of our surveys. Looking out for animals and changes in their habitats is fun, connects you with nature and the information you share gives us a real insight into how our wildlife is doing.
Living with Mammals
Record the wild mammals visiting your garden, local parks or other green spaces.
Take partTraditional orchards
Help play a vital role in finding and recording our vital wildlife havens so we can protect them.
Take partGreat British Hedgerow Survey
Health-check your local hedgerow to help restore these precious habitats.
Take part-
Great Stag Hunt
Spot a spectacular stag beetle as they emerge on warm, sunny evenings in spring and summer.
Watching water voles
Visit your local riverbank and record tell-tales signs of these elusive animals.
Hedgehog spotting
Take part in the National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme and look for hedgehogs in camera trap images.
Seen a dormouse?
Record a one-off sightings with the National Dormouse Database (NDD). You need to record who you are, the species (with a photo ideally), where and when you saw it.