
European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)

Hedgehog Street reveals which counties are recording the most hedgehog sightings For the first time we can revealed the counties across the British Isles who are recording the most (and least!) number of native hedgehog sightings. The Hedgehog Street team are calling for more people to record their sightings of Britain’s favourite mammal online, to …

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Glasgow water vole photo credit: L. Campbell

Water voles numbers have plummeted by around 90%, one of the most rapid and serious declines of any British wild mammal ever. But an unusual population of city dwelling water voles has given hope for the future for this charismatic animal. In this blog post Robyn Stewart from the Water Voles in the City project …

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Elephant photo credit: A Korstjens

The Sumatran elephant, a subspecies of the Asian elephant, is critically endangered and is found only in Sumatra, Indonesia. However, the lack of information about Sumatran elephant distribution, habitat use and home ranges makes it difficult to plan effective conservation strategies, and further research is needed to prevent their extinction. Researching elephants isn’t always straight …

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Hazel dormouse by Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH Shutterstock

Mixed news for reintroduced dormice This weekend saw the second check for the dormice that were reintroduced into a Warwickshire woodland this summer. The great news is 27 adults plus young were found at the site which is what is expected for this time in a reintroduction.  The bad news is that for the first …

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In this guest blog post Bayara Agvaantseren gives us an insight into what it’s like working to protect snow leopards, and describes the strides being made with local communities and the Mongolian government around the newly formed Tost Nature Reserve. Mongolia is home to the second largest snow leopard population in the world, but sadly …

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Aerial panorama over green crops in patchwork pasture farmland

Just as we depend on the UK’s farmland for much of the food we eat every day, so does lots of our wildlife. But over the decades our farming policies have had an unintended effect, dramatically reducing other countryside qualities that we need and value: like wildlife, landscape character, and water, air and soil quality. …

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2016 Jan Reinhardt - Spires Media using a drone to film the forest

The slow loris is now among the world’s top 25 most endangered primates. Having lost 90% of their tropical forests, exposed and vulnerable lorises are captured and sold illegally through the pet trade, for medicine or exploited as props in tourist photos. Traders cut out their venomous teeth, so even rescued animals can rarely be …

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Fallen tree wood pasture moody sky - Moccas Park Tom Collingwood

Understanding wood pasture and parkland Wood Pasture and and Parkland is one of our most important habitats but it is one we are only beginning to understand. As a part of the Wood Pasture and Parkland Network (WPPN) we have made a series of videos to shine a light on this forgotten habitat. The WPPN, …

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Bechsteins bat Faultier

Bechstein’s is one of the rarest British bats. Their preferred woodland homes are being destroyed or intensively managed and the challenges of studying an elusive night flying animal means much remains to be learned about this wonderful species. In this guest blog, Patrick Wright, PhD researcher at Exeter University, gives us a glimpse into what …

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