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Staycationers asked to record roadkill via free app, to help conserve Britain’s mammals Volunteers across England, Scotland and Wales are being asked to record any sightings of roadkill that they see on Britain’s roads via a free app, to help conservation. The Mammals on Roads app is part of wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered …
Read article...Free advice about how to apply the hedgerow lifecycle to healthy hedge management Today, wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) launches a brand-new ‘Healthy Hedgerows’ app, aimed at farmers and land managers that want to make – or adjust – their hedgerow management plans to grow the healthiest of hedges. Designed for farmers, …
Read article...New ‘Map your log pile’ survey launched by wildlife charity this June. This June, and to time with National Insect Week (which starts today), wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) has launched a brand-new garden survey, ‘Map your log pile’, to help save endangered stag beetles and other wildlife. PTES is asking anyone …
Read article...Conservation milestone reached as 30 hazel dormice are released into Lancashire as part of national reintroduction programme and local ‘Back on our Map’ species recovery efforts. This week, the 1,000th hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) will be reintroduced to the UK by wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), Natural England and the University of …
Read article...Public urged to build on positive relationship with nature during Covid lockdowns. For the first time, wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is running its Living with Mammals survey throughout all of 2021, starting this week. PTES saw record-breaking numbers of volunteers taking part last year, thanks to more people being at home …
Read article...Wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for volunteers across England, Scotland and Wales to search for sightings and signs of water voles along local riverbanks, canals and other inland waterways, from the 15th April – 15th June 2021 Wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for volunteers across …
Read article...Sustainable, local and ethically sourced gifts, perfect for anyone wild about wildlife. Wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) has released its Christmas catalogue 2020: ‘Gifts for Wildlife Lovers’, which is crammed full of beautiful wildlife-inspired gifts that are low-waste, made from sustainable products, and are locally and ethically sourced where possible. As always, …
Read article...People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is, for the first time, running its Living with Mammals survey during autumn, from Monday 31st August until Sunday 29th November • Volunteers are asked to record wild mammals they spot in gardens and green spaces• This is the first time Living with Mammals has taken place during autumn• …
Read article...Grey squirrels are predated significantly more than red squirrels, with pine martens targeting greys exclusively in spring and summer, during their breeding season New research by Queen’s University Belfast shows that native European pine martens (Martes martes) predate on non-native grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) significantly more than red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). The findings, published in …
Read article...The impact of Covid-19 on global wildlife has been both positive and negative, but now the lack of funding threatens to undo decades of conservation work. UK-based wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) warns that wildlife conservation – both within the UK and internationally – is in danger of being forgotten during the …
Read article...Stag Weekend: You’re invited to Britain’s only Stag Weekend- celebrate and save threatened stag beetles Wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for people volunteers across the UK to take part in their ‘Stag Weekend’ – a new national effort to help save – and celebrate – threatened stag beetles this summer. …
Read article...Hedgehogs After DarkThis summer, discover and record the hidden lives of hedgehogs Hedgehog Street, a nationwide campaign set up by wildlife charities the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) and People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES), to halt the ongoing decline in native hedgehogs, has today [Monday 11th May] launched ‘Hedgehogs After Dark’. This exciting new …
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For all media enquiries please contact Jane Bevan or Adela Cragg at Firebird Public Relations on 01235 835297 or email