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Without Biodiversity, There is No Net Zero Dec. 6, London: Nature is under grave threat. We estimate one million species are at risk of extinction by 2030 and populations of wildlife have declined 70 percent in 50 years. Global action has never been more urgent, as world leaders prepare for the COP15 UN biodiversity summit …
Read article...Free advice available to farmers and land managers on how to maintain this iconic habitat throughout prime hedgerow management season and beyond This autumn and winter, wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is offering free hedgerow management advice to farmers, landowners, and land managers across the UK. Following just six steps will make …
Read article...Taking part in surveys and making your garden wildlife friendly can make a real difference With extreme heat warnings and wildfires dominating the news in recent weeks, it’s easy to forget that local wildlife – from hedgehogs and hares to bats and badgers – may also be struggling with this summer’s harsh conditions. But, the …
Read article...Public asked to help hedgehogs by connecting as many gardens as possible and submitting entries online Two wildlife charities are asking members of the public to link their gardens this summer in a bid to help hedgehogs and find ‘Britain’s Biggest Hedgehog Street’. The British Hedgehog Preservation Society and People’s Trust for Endangered Species, who …
Read article...New research published today, 6th July 2022, in PLOS ONE has discovered the extent to which common toads live in trees. It is the first time that the tree climbing potential of amphibians has been investigated at a national scale. Researchers from the University of Cambridge and Froglife, supported by wildlife charity People’s Trust for …
Read article...39 endangered hazel dormice are reintroduced into an ancient woodland in Lancashire This reintroduction follows the milestone reintroduction in 2021 that saw 30 hazel dormice (including the UK’s 1,000th) being released into a neighbouring woodland, creating a bigger and better-connected population in the Lancashire landscape Unique partnership of 10 organisations aims to bring hazel dormice …
Read article...Wildlife charity asks volunteers to search in woodlands, as well as in gardens and parks From late May into July, wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for people across the UK to record any sightings of endangered stag beetles, as part of the charity’s annual ‘Great Stag Hunt’ ( Stag beetles …
Read article...Country-wide effort needed to save Britain’s fastest declining mammal Forget the Easter Bunny, this Easter is all about water voles! Wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for volunteers across England, Scotland and Wales to take part in their national water vole survey, which starts on Good Friday. Immortalised by Ratty in …
Read article...Rural populations continue to plummet, with the largest declines in eastern England Urban populations are stable, and may even be recovering thanks to community action Urgent action is now needed to try and bring hedgehogs back to the countryside Today, [Tuesday 22nd February 2022], a new report published by wildlife charities People’s Trust for Endangered …
Read article...Fun, feel-good, festive gifts from leading wildlife charity now on sale Eco-friendly, wildlife-inspired Christmas gifts are now on sale from leading UK wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES). This year, PTES aims to bring joy, vibrancy and colour to everyone’s Christmas through their range of gifts and stocking fillers, which is crammed full …
Read article...COP26 leaders urged to increase grassroots conservation funding by 15 leading global wildlife conservation donors. Open letter highlights benefits of locally led nature conservation for mitigating climate change and reversing global biodiversity loss. Today, [Wednesday 27th October], 15 leading global wildlife conservation donors and supporters are calling upon the UK Prime Minister and COP26 leaders, …
Read article...Surveys reveal hotspots, connected populations but also areas of absence, where ‘hogs need help Battersea-based wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is funding two conservation research interns working to conserve hedgehogs as part of ZSL’s London HogWatch. Camera trap surveys, conducted during 2020’s summer lockdown by PTES intern Kate Scott-Gatty, show that the …
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For all media enquiries please contact Jane Bevan or Adela Cragg at Firebird Public Relations on 01235 835297 or email