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Charity asks for help recording wildlife in gardens, parks and other urban green spaces Volunteers across the UK are being asked to become ‘wildlife detectives’ this spring by searching their gardens, parks and other urban green spaces for wild mammals and recording their findings online. Conservationists at leading wildife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species …
Read article...Charity asks for help recording endangered wildlife in gardens, parks and on local riverbanks Volunteers across the UK are being asked to search their gardens, local green spaces or riverbanks this spring in a bid to help endangered wildlife, as part of a leading wildlife charity’s annual spring surveys. Starting in March, wildlife conservation charity …
Read article...New research by 18 global wildlife conservation funders outlines the need to transform conservation action by encouraging evidence-based decision making when awarding grants. Based on their combined 100+ years of experience, they also encourage other grant-giving organisations to direct funds towards the most effective measures only, in a bid to combat the ongoing biodiversity crisis. …
Read article...The first ever National Hedgehog Conservation Strategy has been published by leading wildlife charities People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) and The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS). The strategy has been designed for conservation NGOs, local councils, farmers, land managers and Government. It highlights the factors causing a decline in native hedgehog populations which urgently …
Read article...Farmers can now use Land App to assess hedgerow condition and satisfy new SFI scheme requirements, thanks to collaboration with People’s Trust for Endangered Species Farmers and land managers across the UK can now use Land App to assess and record the condition of their hedgerows to satisfy the hedgerow assessment action (CHRW1) in the …
Read article...Following the county’s first and only dormouse reintroduction in 2001, this release boosts genetic diversity for this isolated population This week, 10 rare hazel dormice have been reintroduced into a Bedfordshire woodland to bolster the county’s only existing population. The release will create a bigger and more genetically diverse population of hazel dormice in the …
Read article...‘Stag beetle surveyors’ needed to spot these iconic insects, a priority species in the UK From late-May into July families, groups of friends, and nature enthusiasts from all corners of Britain are called on to take part in an annual stag beetle survey – the Great Stag Hunt – which has been run by wildlife …
Read article...Almost 100 nationwide events are set to mark Orchard Blossom Day 2024 This Friday [26th April] marks the return of Orchard Blossom Day 2024, where traditional orchard groups across the country host events to celebrate fruit trees, their produce and nature. The annual springtime celebration falls on the last Friday in April, but local events …
Read article...Help is needed across the country to protect Britain’s fastest declining mammal, before it’s too late Wildlife conservation charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for volunteers in all corners of England, Scotland and Wales to survey endangered water voles, whose populations have plummeted by a staggering 90% since the 1970s. Despite being …
Read article...A pioneering new three-year pilot project – the National Hedgehog Monitoring Programme (NHMP) – has been launched. For the first time, this will enable robust estimates of hedgehog populations in different habitats across the country, show how these are changing year on year, and, in time, give a national estimate of Britain’s hedgehog population. The …
Read article...This spring, leading wildlife conservation charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for volunteers across the UK to take part in its popular annual Living with Mammals survey, in a bid to track changes in our wildlife. Volunteers are needed to record sightings of any wild mammals they see each week in their …
Read article...Charity calls for help recording endangered wildlife in gardens and on local riverbanks This spring, leading wildlife conservation charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for volunteers across the UK to take part in their annual spring surveys in a bid to help endangered wildlife and the habitats they call home. From March …
Read article...Press and media
For all media enquiries please contact Jane Bevan or Adela Cragg at Firebird Public Relations on 01235 835297 or email