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Gaining key insights into how to manage hedgerows for dormice Recently launched, the National Dormouse Footprint Tunnel Survey will use footprint tunnels to detect the presence or absence of the charismatic but rare hazel dormouse in hedgerows. The need for surveying hazel dormice is clear: it is thought that their population has halved in the …
Read article...Bountiful supplies of berries and slightly cooler days herald the start of autumn. It’s a busy time of year for dormice, hunting for ripe hazelnuts, blackberries, or the odd sloe kernel, in preparation for hibernation from October onwards. The earlier evenings mean we could be more likely to catch a glimpse of this elusive and …
Read article...Tree planting is currently at the forefront of many environmental policies. It’s the perfect opportunity to establish new trees in our hedgerow network. Well-managed hedges provide overlapping woodland, flowering scrub and pasture habitats, and mimic the rich environment of a woodland edge. Hedgerow trees are a valuable component in this habitat mosaic. The wildlife value …
Read article...Healthy hedgerows do it better Hedgerows are the green veins running through our countryside, and with over 70% land in agricultural use, one of the most important habitats we have. They offer home, food, shelter and corridors to a remarkable number of species, with one study by Robert Wolton counting 2070 different species in just …
Read article...Spring is well underway and hedges across the countryside are rich with colours and sounds as blossoms emerge and wildlife awakens. This time of year provides a really great opportunity to start thinking about the diversity of flowering plant species across the hedgerows that we manage. Observing the hedges across a field, garden or park …
Read article...Winter is a great time to assess the health of your hedges. Without their leaves, it’s easier to see the structures and little indicators that it might need a change. Winter is also a great time for hedge management, both hedgerow trimming and larger scale rejuvenation such as laying or coppicing. Winter hedgerow management Cutting …
Read article...Birdsong can play a crucial role in tackling post lockdown re-entry anxiety this spring. Though experts warn over 90% of some songbird species have disappeared from the UK, partly due to urbanisation destroying habitats. Birdsong is set to play a crucial role this spring in tackling ‘re-entry anxiety’, which is predicted to become more common …
Read article...Robin Redbreast – the UK’s ‘national bird’ – is under threat, and wildlife experts are encouraging the public to support robins and other native birds in their gardens this winter. There’s warning of a ‘perfect storm’ for winter birds this December, with reports of a La Nina event set to cause harsh cold spells alongside …
Read article...Their value to wildlife As a conservation charity, our primary interest in hedgerows lies in their remarkable capacity for nurturing wildlife. To bats, birds, bees, butterflies, hedgehogs, dormice and thousands of other species alike, hedgerows play a crucial role. They provide home, food, shelter and safe passage across the countryside. Their enormous value to wildlife, …
Read article...Briddlesford, an ancient woodland Every January, we invite a loyal group of enthusiastic volunteers to join us in Briddlesford, our nature reserve on the Isle of Wight, to help us maintain and manage the woodland for wildlife. Briddlesford is both a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area for Conservation. The presence of …
Read article...A winter sanctuary for wildlife Over the winter months, hedgerow shrubs go to sleep; the leaves fall and the sap retreats to the protection of the roots. Hedgehogs may be hibernating in drifts of leaves sheltered in the bottom of your hedge; insects both as adults sheltered in nooks, leaf litter or old hollow stalks …
Read article...Hedgerows are not only a significant feature of our countryside but they are one of the most important farmland habitats. They are home to an incredible array of wildlife, they allow wildlife to safely move across the country, and they deliver so many benefits to farmers and environment when properly managed. Home Sweet Home …
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