Traditional Orchards

In traditional orchards people and nature meet unlike in any other place. We are working to halt the decline and improve the prospects of this habitat into the future.
Traditional orchards are designated priority habitats. Unfortunately we are seeing an alarming rate of loss of this amazing habitat. This website is part of an ongoing effort to conserve and restore traditional orchards across the country in recognition of their amazing habitat value to local wildlife. Find out more about orchard decline.
Download our Orchard Newletters here.
Orchard biodiversity
Find out what makes traditional orchards so fantastic for wildlife, how to discover what life your orchard already supports and some top tips on how to encourage even more.
Practical guides
From fruit tree pruning, to grafting and grass management. Find practical advice on how to manage your orchard in a way that sympathises with the wildlife it supports.
Orchard Network
Orchard Network is a partnership of organisations working together to conserve traditional orchards. It acts as a signpost to national and regional information, groups, community orchards and resources.
Fruit varieties
There are thousands of fruit varieties, many with historical geographic associations, all carefully and deliberately propagated since establishment. Find out which are local to you.
Orchard survey & questionnaire
In order to help save traditional orchards, we need to know where they remain and what condition they are in. Tell us about your orchard, survey in your area or see what we have found out already.
A year in your orchard
A month by month guide to everything orchard. Plan your orchard tasks for the year, your celebrations and discover some wildlife highlights to look out for.