
Wildlife conservation NGOs issue two open letters to oppose a review of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, which could undermine decades of work to restore and protect threatened species. You can read our open letters here: 28th January 2022 28th June 2021 What’s happened? Every 5 years the species listed in Schedules 5 and …

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Hazel Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius ) |Haselmaus

‘Northern stronghold’ for rare hazel dormice created in Lancashire This week, a unique partnership of 10 organisations are coming together in an attempt to bring hazel dormice back from the brink. 39 dormice are being reintroduced into an ancient woodland in Lancashire. This reintroduction follows the milestone reintroduction in 2021 that saw 30 hazel dormice …

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Hazel Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius ) |Haselmaus

39 endangered hazel dormice are reintroduced into an ancient woodland in Lancashire This reintroduction follows the milestone reintroduction in 2021 that saw 30 hazel dormice (including the UK’s 1,000th) being released into a neighbouring woodland, creating a bigger and better-connected population in the Lancashire landscape Unique partnership of 10 organisations aims to bring hazel dormice …

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The Aral Sea in Central Asia is synonymous with ecological and socio-economic collapse. At the centre of this region lies, what until the sea largely vanished, used to be an island: Vozrozhdenie (meaning ‘Resurrection’). This remote island has been home to critically endangered saiga antelope for at least 400 years. Until recently, the unique biodiversity …

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Ben Andrews - Male Stag beetle

Wildlife charity asks volunteers to search in woodlands, as well as in gardens and parks From late May into July, wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for people across the UK to record any sightings of endangered stag beetles, as part of the charity’s annual ‘Great Stag Hunt’ ( Stag beetles …

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Country-wide effort needed to save Britain’s fastest declining mammal Forget the Easter Bunny, this Easter is all about water voles! Wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for volunteers across England, Scotland and Wales to take part in their national water vole survey, which starts on Good Friday. Immortalised by Ratty in …

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Hedgerow gate By Paul Nash Shutterstock

The Nature Recovery Green Paper, which Defra published on 16 March 2022, includes sections on consolidation and rationalisation of species protection and the creation of a new tiered approach to species protection in England. As a champion and leader for conservation and research for some of England key mammal species, PTES has a significant interest …

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Magnificent stag beetles Sadly, the incredible stag beetle is threatened across Europe. PTES has been working to save stag beetles for nearly 25 years. We’ve funded research, collected records through our Great Stag Hunt survey, and more recently, we have joined the European Stag Beetle Monitoring Network. What is the European Stag Beetle Monitoring Network? …

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H7 trees blackthorn blossom oxfordshire by Megan Gimber

Spring is well underway and hedges across the countryside are rich with colours and sounds as blossoms emerge and wildlife awakens. This time of year provides a really great opportunity to start thinking about the diversity of flowering plant species across the hedgerows that we manage. Observing the hedges across a field, garden or park …

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Townscape fotoVoyager

House building efforts in the UK are a constant source of contention. Too many? Too few? Whatever the case, it’s undeniable that development all too often affects our wildlife and the dwindling habitats they rely on to survive. Many of our species in our nature-depleted country are impacted by infrastructure projects. Yet there are measures …

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allotment rows of seedlings

Peat extraction is devastating for biodiversity and the climate If you have ever owned a house plant or planted something in a garden, it was almost certainly grown in a peat-based product. Despite understanding for decades the damage that peat extraction is doing to both biodiversity and the climate, industry-led voluntary efforts have failed to …

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Young dormouse 2 Study hedge Locks Park 29 October 2013 Robert Wolton free to use

An encounter with a dormouse During a recent trip to one of our Nottinghamshire dormouse woodlands I happened to stumble upon another wild dormouse nest. It was hidden amongst a patch of bramble and rose scrub that was winding its way up a hawthorn tree, on the edge of a young coppice compartment. The nest …

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For all media enquiries please contact Jane Bevan or Adela Cragg at Firebird Public Relations on 01235 835297 or email

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People's Trust for Endangered Species, 3 Cloisters House, 8 Battersea Park Road, London SW8 4BG

Registered Charity Number: 274206 • Site Design: Mike Leach Creative at Waters • Branding: Be Colourful

Copyright PTES 2025