Protecting orchards

A set of tools and resources to help you mount a defence for protecting orchards and other habitats, and to ensure orchards are considered when development is threatened
Protecting orchards and other Priority Habitats
Traditional Orchards were added to the list of Priority Habitats in 2007. This was a result of research and campaigning by organisations such as Common Ground and local orchard groups which highlighted their importance for wildlife. Their priority status is well supported by wildlife and conservation organisations, but protection is still weak – we continue to lose a lot of this habitat every year.
If you know about an orchard that is threatened, please let us know. However, PTES has limited resources and can only do so much, so the resources here are designed to provide you with all the information you will need to mount a strong defence of yourself. The information is readily transferable for use with other habitats such as woodland, grassland, ponds and streams, and so on. Please adapt it according to your needs.
Action for habitat protection can take many forms depending on what information is available about the threat or opportunity. The flowchart will help you find the documents most useful in each situation.
Use this chart to work out which of the other sections of the toolkit are most suitable for your situation
Protection Toolkit
A set of tools and resources to help you defend and include orchards when development is threatened
Community Land Advisory Service
Set of helpful documents that can guide you when setting up community space agreements. Produced by the CLAS.