Orchard biodiversity

Traditional orchards are havens for biodiversity. They offer both food and shelter to thousands of species some of which have high conservation priority.
Click here to tell us what you’ve been doing for biodiversity in your orchard
Traditional orchards have been among the chief beauties in the English landscape for many centuries and hold a special place in people’s affections. They are hotspots for biodiversity in the countryside, supporting a wide range of wildlife. The combination of fruit trees, the grassland floor, hedgerow boundaries and scrub, fallen and standing deadwood and associated features such as ponds and streams mean that traditional orchards offer a mosaic of different habitats, upon which many creatures depend.
Traditional orchards as a habitat for wildlife
Find out what it is about traditional orchards that make them so good for wildlife, and such an important habitat to conserve.
Top tips for a wildlife friendly orchard
Find out what you can do to help maintain and encourage biodiversity in your orchard with these simple and low cost suggestions.
Discover the wildlife living in your orchard
Glimpse the secret life of orchards by discovering the unique combination of species that call your orchard home.