Home // UK Wood Pasture & Parkland Network // Videos, Links and Downloads

Videos, Links and Downloads

WPPN Consultation responses and position statements

Links to other useful resources

These links take you to useful resources for anyone interested in wood pasture and parkland management, history or education.


An Introduction Video to Wood Pasture and Parkland Habitats

The Wildlife Value of Open Grown Trees, Wood Pasture and Parkland

Wood Pasture and Parkland Notes and Advice for Land Managers and Advisors

A History of Wood Pasture and Parkland

Management Advice for Wood Pasture and Parkland Habitat

Open Grown Trees, Infill and The Need for Grazing

An Introduction to Pollard Trees and How to Spot a Lapsed Pollard

Downloadable leaflets, posters and info-graphics

Let's keep in touch...

We'd love to tell you about our conservation work through our regular newsletter Wildlife World, and also how you can save endangered species through volunteering, taking action or donating. You must be 18 or over. The information that you provide will be held by People’s Trust for Endangered Species. For information on how PTES processes personal data, please see our privacy policy.

People's Trust for Endangered Species, 3 Cloisters House, 8 Battersea Park Road, London SW8 4BG

Registered Charity Number: 274206 • Site Design: Mike Leach Creative at Waters • Branding: Be Colourful

Copyright PTES 2024