Saiga antelope
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Celebrating saigas: Conservation and community engagement in Uzbekistan - Zebo Isakova is Project Manager at Saiga Conservation Alliance (SCA). She works with our Conservation Partner Elena Bykova. Here Zebo describes their Saiga Day celebrations last year, when Nida Al-Fulaij, CEO, visited their project, highlighting their successful engagement with the local community and the positive impact of their conservation efforts. SOS - Save Our Saiga:… Read more
More notes from the field
Celebrating saigas: Conservation and community engagement in Uzbekistan - Zebo Isakova is Project Manager at Saiga Conservation Alliance (SCA). She works with our Conservation Partner Elena Bykova. Here Zebo describes their Saiga Day celebrations last year, when Nida Al-Fulaij, CEO, visited their project, highlighting their successful engagement with the local community and the positive impact of their conservation efforts. SOS - Save Our Saiga:… Read more
Press release: “Conservation triumph”, Saiga antelope reclassified from Critically Endangered to Near Threatened on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ - This positive status change reflects the species’ remarkable recovery in Kazakhstan due to ongoing conservation efforts, but action is still needed to ensure populations continue to improve, especially in Uzbekistan where only 500 individuals remain Today [11th December 2023], the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ status of saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) has improved from… Read more
Journeying to the heart of the silk road in search of the world’s most unique antelope - Below us, as the aeroplane started its descent, the lights of Tashkent stretched as far as the horizon. The capital of Uzbekistan is home to over two and half million people, making it the largest city in Central Asia. I was arriving there, close to midnight, on a visit to meet our Conservation Partner Elena… Read more
Monitoring the mammals of Resurrection Island: saiga antelope in Uzbekistan - The Aral Sea in Central Asia is synonymous with ecological and socio-economic collapse. At the centre of this region lies, what until the sea largely vanished, used to be an island: Vozrozhdenie (meaning ‘Resurrection’). This remote island has been home to critically endangered saiga antelope for at least 400 years. Until recently, the unique biodiversity… Read more