Slow lorises
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Press release: World-leading primate conservationist Prof. Anna Nekaris awarded an OBE - Professor Anna Nekaris, a world-leading primate conservationist, global expert on nocturnal primates, and one of wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES)’ five Conservation Partners, has been listed on The New Year Honours 2024 List. Prof. Nekaris will receive an OBE from King Charles III for her outstanding commitment to conserving slow lorises –… Read more
More notes from the field
Press release: World-leading primate conservationist Prof. Anna Nekaris awarded an OBE - Professor Anna Nekaris, a world-leading primate conservationist, global expert on nocturnal primates, and one of wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES)’ five Conservation Partners, has been listed on The New Year Honours 2024 List. Prof. Nekaris will receive an OBE from King Charles III for her outstanding commitment to conserving slow lorises –… Read more
Playing with poison - In Western Java our Conservation Partner, Anna Nekaris, has been learning more about slow lorises. Slow lorises are one of the few mammals around the world that have a toxic bite. Other venomous species include solenodons: long-snouted, golden, burrowing creatures and water shrews: tiny, dark divers. Studying play Many young animals learn life skills through… Read more
Cute but deadly: slow lorises and venom - Slow lorises may look cute and cuddly but these large-eyed primates are deadly and use venom to injure and even kill other slow lorises. Recent research has shown that slow lorises use venom as a defense mechanism against others of its kind, something that has previously only been seen in four other species worldwide. Only… Read more
Join us in demanding an end to the global wildlife trade - People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling on supporters to sign a petition to address the global wildlife trade. The global wildlife trade can be cruel and a hotbed for emerging infectious diseases like COVID-19. Join us in demanding a solution to the global wildlife trade. Now. The Coalition to Ban Wildlife Trade campaign,… Read more
Xena’s return – fieldwork with the Little Fireface Project team - Over the past few months, we have had quite a few new slow loris additions into our LFP family. It all really started with the sighting of Xena, a female loris we thought had dispersed and left her home range last year. It is normal for slow lorises, especially younger ones, to move from home… Read more
Slow lorises and wildlife friendly coffee production in Indonesia - Farmed landscapes Island of Java is home to 60% of Indonesia’s population but only has 10% of its natural forest left. This means that the native animals have to adapt to living in farmed habitats too. Anna Nekaris, our Conservation Partner, and her team are working to ensure that these farmed landscapes are suitable for… Read more
Slow loris outreach week - Slow lorises are under threat for many reasons. They are targeted for the illegal pet trade because they look so appealing; their forest habitat is being degraded and cut down; and they also face a multitude of threats as a consequence of an ever-changing climate. We are working with the Little Fireface Project to combat this… Read more
Slow loris update 2018 - The slow loris is now among the world’s top 25 most endangered primates. Having lost 90% of their tropical forests, exposed and vulnerable lorises are captured and sold illegally through the pet trade, for medicine or exploited as props in tourist photos. Traders cut out their venomous teeth, so even rescued animals can rarely be… Read more