Papers and publications on hazel dormice conservation

Hazel dormice are both native and rare in the UK native but they are frequent (although probably declining) in mainland Europe. They are a well-researched species and we know quite a lot about dormice. Unfortunately knowing their requirements and ensuring that work is undertaken to meet them is no easy task.
State of Britain’s Dormice report
As the leading authority on national dormouse conservation we produce our own report on the British hazel dormouse population. The latest State of Britain’s Dormice (SOBD) was released in Nov 2019.
Our previous SOBD report from 2016 can be viewed here.
Dormouse Monitor magazine
Research work undertaken by Pat Morris and Paul Bright in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s established the National Dormouse Monitoring Scheme (which later became the National Dormouse Monitoring Programme). The first newsletter, which was called the Dormouse Initiative, was published in September 1992. This newsletter has now become The Dormouse Monitor and current and back issues are available to read.
Dormouse books
Although there are many scientific papers on dormice there are few books dedicated to the species. Most that we are aware of are shown below:

Dormice (British Natural History Series), by Pat Morris
A fascinating account of the research into both hazel dormice and fat dormice in the UK highlighting the intricacies of these two species.

Living With Dormice: The Common Dormouse, Real Rodent or Phantom of the Ancient Wood Paperback, by Sue Eden
Nice book with plenty of useful information. It does give the overall impression that dormice are quite abundant but this is most likely because most of the findings are from the South of the UK rather than all over the country.

The Hazel Dormouse: Muscardinus avellanarius Paperback, by Rimvydas Juskaitis & Sven Büchner
A very comprehensive study of hazel dormice, masses of data, remarkable photographs and a useful bibliography.

The common dormouse: Muscardinus avellanarius: ecology, population structure and dynamics, by Rimvydas Juskaitis
The monograph aims to summarise the results of long-term studies carried out in Lithuania during the period 1981–2007.It is available online.
Dormouse research papers
Many research papers on dormice are subject to copyright but we have commissioned this searchable review of 100 dormouse studies looking both at practical conservation measures and other recent important research on the species..
We have been working to save hazel dormice in the UK for over 20 years. Find out about our campaigns and how you can help.