UK mammals grant criteria
Applications are welcomed from voluntary conservation organisations, scientific researchers, individuals and consortia for financial support for work that relates to the conservation of mammals in the British Isles and Eire. Acceptable fields of work for funding include scientific research, practical habitat management work, reintroduction and monitoring programmes and educational projects. Individual awards are likely to be between £10,000 and £20,000. The average amount granted per project has been about £15,000.
The next UK mammals grants application deadline is Monday 10th October 2016 at midnight. Applications received by then will be considered at a meeting on 29th November. All applications will be acknowledged within two weeks of being received.
PTES grant guidelines for applicants
Key research themes
There are three broad themes under which there are a variety of research questions to be addressed which will help to inform and direct future conservation work on the UK’s priority mammal species. These research questions reflect priorities identified by the various species expert groups and other published targets.
Grant proposals that address any of these questions are likely to be given priority although proposals addressing other pressing conservation issues will continue to be considered. Funds for work carrying out practical habitat work will only be granted as part of a wider project.
Priority research themes:
1. Monitoring mammals – better methods for estimating distribution and abundance – more sensitive methods for assessing population change
2. Habitats for mammals – assessing habitat suitability and connectivity – improving and restoring habitats – habitat management – habitat fragmentation, modification and loss
3. Human impacts and mitigation – climate change – habitat fragmentation, modification and loss – impact of introduced mammals and diseases – roads and other infrastructure – toxic chemicals and pollution
For full details see our PTES UK mammal grant research priorities
PTES is not considering any further applications for funds on beaver work in the UK until the Scottish beaver trial has finished.
How to apply
Please note we only accept grant applications via our online system. Allow yourself plenty of time to go through the application process. We recommend starting your application at least four weeks before the deadline. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to email We get a huge number of queries leading up to a closing date and therefore cannot guarantee to respond to all those made within a day or two of the deadline.
We acknowledge all applications. If you do not receive an acknowledgement email from us we MAY NOT have received your application.
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