Thanks for your stag beetle sighting
Thank you for recording your stag beetle sighting for the Great Stag Hunt!

Thank you very much for taking time to send us your Great Stag Hunt record. This will help us keep an eye on national numbers and take the most effective action to save stag beetles and their homes.
Make sure you follow People’s Trust for Endangered Species on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to learn more about stag beetles and other threatened wildlife. Why not share your sightings using #GreatStagHunt.
More ways to help stag beetles
Could you go one more step to saving stags and create a simple home for them where you live? And lots more gardening tips.
We also need volunteers to help with a weekly Stag Beetle Count survey this June and July. Take part from your garden here.
Have another sighting?
If you have another sighting to report that took place somewhere else or on a different date, please add another record below.