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Guidance for existing licenced dormouse monitors

Videos to help you with checking dormouse boxes and handling animals

Checking a dormouse nest box

Checking a box with multiple active dormice present

Checking a box with inactive dormice present

Surveying young dormice

Handling and sexing dormice

Weighing and recording dormice

Putting up dormouse nest boxes

Box checking kit guide

Health and Safety

Risk assessments

Presentations and notes

Checking dormouse nest boxes

A PowerPoint presentation on how to check dormouse nest boxes for the NDMP including sex dormice, weighing dormice and dealing with more than one- COMING SOON

Also available as a PDF version

Ageing and sexing dormice

PowerPoint presentation showing you how to sex dormice and the age class recognition for NDMP data entry.

Also available as a PDF version

The NDMP and the NDD

A PowerPoint presentation showing you how to enter the data on the NDMP forms and how to use the online forms. It also includes other documentation for sites in the NDMP- COMING SOON

Also available as a PDF version

The NDMP survey guidelines are reviewed every year; please ensure that you are familiar with the current document.


Also see our Useful documents and forms page

If you have any constructive comments regarding the information given in this section please email

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