Dormouse training

The aim of these dormouse training pages is to provide some guidance for people who would like train towards their license and also for those who may be training them.
Dormouse trainees
For anyone wishing to start training for a dormouse licence it is highly recommended that you attend a professional one-day training course on dormouse Ecology and Conservation. The information below is not intended to replace a good training course. These give the trainee both the benefit of the trainer’s experience in the field and often their first sighting of a dormouse. Courses are run by People’s Trust for Endangered Species, the Mammal Society, CIEEM and some independent organisations.
The dormouse training log is your record of experience when training towards your dormouse licence. It has been approved by both Natural England and Natural Resources Wales. Please be aware that some counties and organisations have their own training logs so please check with your mentor the best method of recording your experience.
Once you have a dormouse licence you are able to train others and provide them with a reference when you consider it appropriate. Our Train the Trainers guide may help you provide the level of training required.

Suggested kit list
- One nest box hole bung- make sure you only take one into the wood and bring one out again
- Perspex slide to cover nest box when checking to allow to see inside if required
- Large strong plastic bags to place nest boxes in – available from PTES
- Small bags to place dormice in
- Scales- Pesola scales weighing up to 50g
- Notebook/forms
- Pen/pencil
- Thin wire for some nest box lids
- 6 mm bungy to put up nest boxes
- Wire cutters
- Scraper to clean nest boxes
The National Dormouse Monitoring Programme (NDMP) survey guidelines are reviewed every year; please ensure that you are familiar with the current document.
A set of training videos dealing with all aspects of how to undertake an NDMP check are available here
Further presentations available as pdf’s are also available:
- How to check dormouse nest boxes for the NDMP including sexing dormice, weighing dormice and dealing with more than one animal in a box
- How to age and sex dormice and the age class recognition for NDMP data entry
Look at the books on the publications page and review some of the papers to get a better understanding of dormouse ecology and the problems facing dormice.
We have been working to save hazel dormice in the UK for over 20 years. Find out about our campaigns and how you can help.
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