Home // Articles by: Isobel Wyatt


A personal account from the moors by Carlos Bedson, whom we are funding to lead an in-depth study to understand the sustainability of the population of mountain hares in the Peak District. The results of Carlos’s studies will help to provide advice crucial to saving our last wild mountain hares, and identify the most important …

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Surveying for signs The Noble Chafer, Gnorimus nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) is a striking metallic green beetle usually associated with old orchard trees. It is rare and classified as vulnerable in the UK, which means it is at risk of extinction here. Its UK stronghold lies in the traditional orchards of Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire and …

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8th March 2019 Today we are celebrating the women we have the privilege of working with here at PTES this International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is #BalanceForBetter, noticing its absence and celebrating its presence. We are championing the work and progress of our female colleagues in conservation and looking at their achievements as an …

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The dry season We’re delighted to report that work to protect the Persian leopard has been progressing well in Tandoureh National Park, Iran. Our project leader, Mohammad Farhadinia, explained recently that his team’s efforts are really paying off. Last year his rangers built 13 water holes throughout the park. The team has also run several …

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What is the ‘Wildlife Assessment Check’ tool? Whether a development site is in a rural or urban area, it’s vital that wildlife and habitat value are considered to avoid habitat loss, fragmentation and the damaging impact of daily human activity on the land. Development sites can put pressure on the biodiversity of a particular habitat, …

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