Home // Articles by: Charlie Hooper


The annual Mammals on Roads survey underpins wildlife conservation, and can be done on a smartphone Wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for volunteers to record any sightings of roadkill via a free app, in a bid to aid wildlife conservation. From late August onwards, families, friends or colleagues travelling by …

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wildlife-dormouse-15_John Webley

New research has confirmed that increased precipitation and fluctuating winter temperatures, as well as density dependence all negatively affects hazel dormouse populations. Worryingly, changing weather patterns – which are increasing – appear to exacerbate populations that are already struggling. The study warns that without mitigating these factors, dormice could disappear from our woodlands altogether. The …

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Droma_December2022_1 (Credit Saving Wildcats)

We’re delighted to confirm that this June, 22 wildcats were released into undisclosed locations within the Cairngorms National Park. This is a huge milestone in the conservation of this critically endangered species and is the first of further releases over the next three years.  The aim is to release about 60 wildcats to give the …

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MegHedgerow and view - Megan Gimberan Gimber. Hedgerow and view

Wildlife enthusiasts needed to join the Great British Hedgerow Survey and survey local hedgerows, which is vital for their ongoing conservation Hedgerow survey season is here, and wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is looking for volunteers in all corners of the UK to take part in its Great British Hedgerow Survey. Between …

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Stag beetle, Lucanus Cervus on dead tree

Volunteers needed for annual ‘Great Stag Hunt’ survey to discover where endangered stag beetles are living and where they most need help Volunteers across Britain are being asked to record sightings of spectacular stag beetles (or their larvae) this summer as part of wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species’ (PTES) annual ‘Great Stag Hunt’ …

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Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

In the Chinese zodiac, 2023 is the year of the rabbit. If that means we think about them as more than just a pest in the countryside, that’s a good thing because rabbits play an important part in shaping the British landscape. Rabbits only really took off in the wild after about 1750. Before then, …

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water vole credit Iain Green

In 2022, nine organisations took part in a trial investigating the effectiveness of using floating rafts to detect water voles by providing them floating platforms for their latrines (droppings). Water voles are naturally inquisitive, and it didn’t take long for them to explore the rafts and use them as artificial feeding platforms where they would …

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No prior experience needed, and free training is available to help save one of Britain’s fastest declining mammals Volunteers in all corners of England, Scotland and Wales are being called to help save one of Britain’s fastest declining mammals, by taking part in a nationwide water vole survey between 15th – April and 15th June. …

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North-eastern Kenya continues to experience its worst drought in 40 years In Garissa County, East Kenya, our colleague Dr Abdullahi Ali Hussein is fighting against the effects of the drought. Many wild animals, especially those dependent on grass, are dying due to the severely dry conditions. Giraffes, hirola antelope, desert warthogs, Beisa oryx, Grevy’s zebras, …

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People's Trust for Endangered Species, 3 Cloisters House, 8 Battersea Park Road, London SW8 4BG

Registered Charity Number: 274206 • Site Design: Mike Leach Creative at Waters • Branding: Be Colourful

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