Wildlife friendly gardens

Make a donation

Can you help save Britain’s wildlife?

You may not know what steps to take to make your garden more wildlife-friendly, but whether big or small, your garden can become a refuge for wildlife. We’ve created a useful kit to get you started.

When you make a donation of £10 or more, we’ll send your free Wildlife Friendly Garden Kit, with tips and guides on how to make your garden a wildlife haven.

Your kit includes a:

  • wildflower seed card to kick-start your wildlife friendly garden
  • garden wildlife guide on the importance of your garden to wildlife and the species you’re likely to see
  • garden wildlife planner of monthly wildlife friendly activities all year round
  • garden wildlife poster with 12 top tips to make your garden more wildlife-friendly
  • booklet introducing PTES and our vital conservation work
Credit Yaz Ellis

There are lots of small changes we can make that have a big impact, from making a feeding station for hedgehogs to building a small pond for amphibians. Such simple actions in our gardens can give even the most threatened species the chance of survival. It’s beneficial for us to have wildlife in our garden too, and I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s wonderful to see wildlife sharing our spaces.

Hedgehog Feeding Station PTES Wildlife friendly garden appeal

Join us in making the gardens of Britain wildlife friendly once again.

Thank you