
Natural England changes to dormouse survey licences

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Hazel dormice class licence CL10a, CL10b survey returns are due to be sent to Natural England from 4th January 2022. This year Natural England is introducing two changes which include new online forms and a £35 charge for continued registration (with exemptions for voluntary use for NDMP monitors).

New online forms

In October, Natural England introduced online forms for applications to 10 class licences, and for survey returns for great crested newt. From 4th January, Natural England will add an online survey return form for hazel dormice CL10a, CL10b.

The new online form is designed to be easy to use, quick to process, and enables better checks that the licence is used as intended. Dormouse survey data will continue to be submitted to PTES. Natural England will not be able to accept the old word / PDF forms.


Natural England started charging in October for new applications to 10 class licences.  Continued registration from 4th January 2022 will now be chargeable.

You won’t have to pay if you only use your licence for voluntary monitoring purposes or for protected species conservation science and research. For all other uses, such as informing development projects, you will need to pay. To re-register, you declare how you have used the licence in the past year. For new applications, you declare how you intend to use the licence. You will be able to pay by bank card via a link on the new online forms.

These changes are part of a programme of reforms to the licensing system.

For more information, check the class licences pages:

Or email:

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