Help hazel dormice

There are two issues in dormouse conservation that need addressing – population decline and range decline.
The rate of population decline, stated most recently in People’s Trust for Endangered Species State of Britain’s Dormice 2023 report is that populations of hazel dormice have fallen by half since 2000. The range decline refers to the 17 counties where dormice are now extinct since the end of the 19th century.
How you can help

1. Take your family for a leisurely stroll in the woods and whilst you’re there hunt for nibbled hazel nuts to see if you can find evidence of dormice.

2. Tell us if you see a dormouse in your garden, local woodland or hedgerow, using the National Dormouse Database.

3. If you think you might have dormice in your wood, look to see how you can check.

4. If you own or manage a small woodland see our Managing Small Woodlands for Dormice advice.

5. Join your local mammal group or dormouse group, and get out in the woods with a local conservation work party such as those organised by Wildlife Trusts.

6. Do a Footprint Tunnel Survey and tell us the results.
Support us
We can only carry out this work through the support of our donors. If you’d like to support our dormouse work please donate below: