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Pershore Plum Festival, National Plum Day

August 24, 2019 - August 26, 2019

More information on Gloucestershire plums, damsons and cherries see
Glos Orchards website

Please also see our shop to purchase Charles Martell’s Native Plums of Gloucestershire pomona, published by GOT and Hartpury Heritage Trust.

To purchase rare Gloucestershire plums and damsons, see Glos Orchards

Walcot Organic Nursery, have been commissioned to stock the rare ones:

Available winter 2019/2020 bare-rooted season but do look at the website now.

Damson Guide
Fascinating comprehensive guide (sixty-seven pages) to damsons and other relevant links


August 24, 2019
August 26, 2019


High Street, Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 1AE
+ Google Map

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