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Giant otters
Project profile

Giant otters

Study species: Giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)

Project location: Peru’s Manu National Park and Madre de Dios river

Species fact: Giant otters are the largest otter species in the world. Adults can weigh up to 30 kilograms and reach a length of 6 feet.

Problem: Human activities, particularly small-scale gold mining, are causing the destruction of the aquatic habitats inhabited by giant otters and a decrease in the quantities of fish giant otters depend on. 



Goal 1

Surveying protected and disturbed areas for otter presence and habitat destruction to examine the effects of gold mining on giant otter distribution and abundance.


Goal 2

Quantifying fish availability and mercury contamination to understand how human activities can affect giant otters.

Community Goal 3 Adi Barocas Giant otter project by David Torres

Goal 3

Working with local communities to understand their perceptions towards giant otters and aquatic ecosystems and developing environmental education programs.

What your donation can achieve


could help us protect the giant otters’ habitat.


could help us research how habitat loss is affecting giant otters.


could help us engage indigenous communities in conservation efforts.


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