Current water vole friendly agri-environment schemes
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, please visit the relevant scheme’s website for more information and details.
England (Countryside Stewardship Scheme)
1. Livestock management beside water courses
- SW11 – Riparian management strip
- SW9 – Seasonal livestock removal on intensive grassland
- SW10 – Seasonal livestock removal on grassland in SDA next to streams, rivers and lakes
- LV5 – Pasture pumps and associated pipework
2. Buffer strips
- SW2 – 4-6m buffer strip on intensive grassland
- SW1 – 4-6m buffer strip on cultivated land
- WT1 – Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland
- WT2 – Buffering in-field ponds and ditches on arable land
3. Sympathetic watercourse and ditch management
- SW11 – Riparian management strip
- WT3 – Management of ditches of high environmental value
- TE10 – Coppicing Bank-side trees
4. Restoring, recreating and managing wetland habitats
- SW12 – Making space for water
- WN3 – Ditch, dyke and rhine restoration
- WT7 – Creation of reedbed
- WT9 – Creation of fen
Wales (Glastir)
1. Livestock management beside water courses
- Option 7A Create a streamside corridor on improved land on one side of a watercourse
- Option 7B Create a streamside corridor on improved land on both sides of a watercourse
- Option 36 Buffering existing unfenced in field ponds
2. Buffer strips
- Option 7A Create a streamside corridor on improved land on one side of a watercourse
- Option 7B Create a streamside corridor on improved land on both sides of a watercourse
- Option 36 Buffering existing unfenced in field ponds
3. Sympathetic watercourse and ditch management
- Option 8 Continued management of existing streamside corridor
- Option 173 Streamside Corridor Management
4. Restoring, recreating and managing wetland habitats
- Option 173 Streamside Corridor Management
- Option 913 Soft engineering of River Banks
- Option 145 Fen restoration (no grazing)
- Option 147 Reedbed – creation
- Option 146 Reedbed – stock exclusion
- Option 564 Pond creation
- Option 565 Pond restoration
Scotland (Scottish Agri-Environment Climate Scheme)
1. Livestock management beside water courses
- Water Margins in Grassland Fields
- Stock Fence
- Alternative Watering
2. Buffer strips
- Water Margins in Arable Fields
- Water Margins in Grassland Fields
- Creation of Grass Strips and Water Margins in Arable Fields
3. Sympathetic watercourse and ditch management
- Restoring (Protecting) River Banks
4. Restoring, recreating and managing wetland habitats
- Restoring (Protecting) River Banks
- Wetland Management
- Rural Sustainable Drainage Systems – Pond