Planning and stag beetles

Stag beetles are legally protected from sale in the UK under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. However, it’s not illegal to kill or disturb stag beetles or to destroy their habitat. Stag beetles are classed as a priority species, under section 40 & 41 of the NERC act which places a duty on all public authorities, including local planning authorities, to consider biodiversity in their work.
We do not normally object to individual planning applications involving stag beetles as they are not a legally protected species and objections along those lines are often disregarded.
As the presence of stag beetles alone will not be sufficient to prevent a successful planning application, it’s better to convince the developer to make modifications to their plans than to fight a losing battle against the development as a whole. These could include:
- retaining old trees, stumps and dead wood
- creating log piles
- creating log pyramids