Other wildlife charities links
Badger Trust
The Badger Trust is a registered charity that promotes the conservation, welfare and protection of badgers, their setts and habitats.
Bat Conservation Trust
The Bat Conservation Trust is working towards a world where bats and people live in harmony. We aim to secure and enhance bat populations for future generations to enjoy.
British Hedgehog Preservation Society
BHPS is dedicated to helping and protecting hedgehogs native to the UK. The charity run a helpline with advice on caring and encouraging hedgehogs in the wild and in your garden.
Endangered Species International
US based international charity committed to reversing the trend of human-induced species extinction, saving endangered animals, and preserving wild places.
A new website focussing on all things hedgerow has been developed by Natural England on behalf of the Hedgerow Habitat Action Plan (HAP) Team. The website contains information on hedgerow management, conservation, legislation and education. Together with useful links to Hedgerow Groups, the site contains a Forum for users to post their own views and notices.
International Otter Survival Fund
The International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF) was set up to protect and help the 13 species of otter worldwide through a combination of compassion and science.
The Mammal Society
The Mammal Society works to protect British mammals, halt the decline of threatened species, and advise on all issues affecting British Mammals. We study mammals, identify the problems they face and promote conservation and other policies based on sound science.
Orchard Network
Website of the Habitat Action Plan (HAP) group for Traditional Orchards, of which the Trust is a core member. Useful resource for finding out about the wildlife that thrives within orchards, the issues that surround their conservation, and ways that you can get involved.
The Vincent Wildlife Trust
Vincent Wildlife Trust are a charity working to safeguard the future of mammals in Britain and Ireland, in particular the otter, dormouse, water vole, polecat, pine marten and bat species – especially the greater and lesser horseshoe bats.
The Wildlife Trusts
The Wildlife Trusts partnership is the UK’s leading conservation charity dedicated to all wildlife.
Wildwood – Kent’s Unique Woodland Discovery Park
Wildwood is a unique woodland discovery park. It occupies 40 acres of ancient woodland, with easy access and lots to do and explore.
Woodworks Wight
A website for people managing woodlands on the Isle of Wight. It gives management ideas, contact details for contractors and features Briddlesford Woods in its Isle of Wight Woodlands section.