Academic research
Hymettus Ltd is the premier source of advice on the conservation of bees, wasps and ants within Great Britain and Ireland. Their website holds a significant library of advisory papers and research reports.
OPAL grant scheme
The Grants Scheme is open to all national and local natural history societies, recording schemes and similar groups that are active within England, including regional branches of national organisations. Grants of £500 to £5000 are available.
Queen Mary, University of London
The School of Biological and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London have many researchers involved in conservation, animal behaviour and ecological research, in particular, mammals such as red squirrels, bats, deer and beavers.
Royal Holloway, University of London
Grant recipients of PTES funding for scientific research into a number of projects including stag beetles and water voles.
Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Oxford University
The mission of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (known as the WildCRU) is to achieve practical solutions to conservation problems. We do this through original scientific research of the highest calibre.